Today everyone knows about Antibodies. Antibodies to COVID-19 is Good. Antibodies to your Neuromodulator (NM) is Bad.
The gold standard for treating frown lines and wrinkles on the face is Botulinum type Alpha. Problem is, the current leading (NM) product is 19 years old. This (NM) is full of extraneous proteins that can result in your body producing Auto Antibodies, Bad. This can reduce the effect of the (NM) over time.
Over the last 2 years, I have instituted Xeomin (Incobotulinum Toxina) as my preferred neuromodulator for injection in the face for treating frown lines and wrinkles.
Before and After Xeomin
Xeomin is a Botulinum type Alpha, the best, and was designed to have low extraneous proteins and therefore preventing the body’s production of unwanted antibodies, yay!
Click here to read the article from Modern Aesthetics about the subject.
Safety for our patients is our most important concern. We can’t wait to see you for your needed treatment of facial frown lines with Xeomin.